projectData({ "columns": [ "project_name", "countries", "region_id", "research_area_id", "researchers", "partners", "funders", "project_url", "image_url" ], "rows": [["Talking Power: South Africa and the Pursuit of Legitimacy in the Global Order","South Africa","8","f","Dr Peg Murray-Evans","South African Institute of International Affairs","Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship","talking-power-in-south-africa","talking-power-in-south-africa.jpg"],["Risk and Resilience in the coastal Caribbean","Coastal Caribbean","2","h","Dr Henrice Altink","The Caribbean Emergency Management Agency, The Caribbean branch of the International Red Cross, Caribbean Natural Resources Institute, Grupo Larra","AHRC, GCRF","risk-and-resilience-in-the-coastal-caribbean","risk-and-resilience-in-the-coastal-caribbean.jpg"],["Coastal Ecosystem Recovery Financing for the Future: developing insurance products to enhance response and recovery from tropical cyclones","Grenada","2","h","Professor Piran White, Professor Callum Roberts, Dr Julia Touza, Dr Jon Hill, Dr Henrice Altink, Professor Jacco Thijssen","Cefas, Willis Towers Watson, Overseas Development Institute","Global Challenges Research Fund (NERC and ESRC)","coastal-ecosystem-recovery-financing","coastal-ecosystem-recovery-financing.jpg"],["Sustainable Energy Access in Mozambique: Socio-Political Factors in Conflict-Laden Urban Areas","Mozambique","8","f","Dr Joshua Kirshner","University of Eduardo Mondlane, AVSI Foundation, Electricidade de Mocambique","British Academic (Sustainable Development Programme 2016), GCRF","sea","Sea.jpg"],["Tackling waste in growing urban environments","Nepal","11","h","Dr Kelly Redeker","ISET, Practical Action, Bagamati River Basin Improvement Project","University of York Global Challenges Research Fund Priming Fund","anaerobic-digestion","anaerobic-digestion.jpg"],["Improving Mental and Physical Health Together (IMPACT)","Bangladesh, India, Pakistan","11","f,g","Dr Najma Siddiqi","The Hull York Medical School, The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), University of East Angila","National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)","impact","impact.jpg"],["Addressing Smokeless Tobacco and building Research Capacity in South Asia (ASTRA)","India, Pakistan, Bangladesh","11","g","Professor Kamran Siddiqi, Professor Ravi Mehrotra, Dr. Anne Readshaw, Dr. Jappe Eckhardt, Dr. Mona Kanaan, Faraz Siddiqui, Dr. Masuma Mishu, Dr. Subhash Pokhrel, Prof. Ann McNeill, Prof. Linda Bauld, Prof. Richard Lilford, Prof. Paramjit Gill, Prof. Aziz Sheikh, Prof. Ray Croucher, Dr. Cath Jackson, Prof. Rumana Huque. Dr. Amit Yadav, Dr. Ravi Kaushik, Prof. Suneela Garg, Dr. M. M. Singh, Prof. Javaid Khan, Dr. Romaina Iqbal, Azmina Abdul, Dr. Zohaib Khan, Prof. Arshad Javaid","Brunel University, King’s College London (KCL), University of Stirling, University of Warwick, University of Edinburgh, ARK Foundation (Bangladesh), National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (India), Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) (India), Aga Khan Medical University (AKU) (Pakistan), Khyber Medical University (KMU) (Pakistan) WHO SEARO (India), Cancer Research UK, WHO Geneva, (Switzerland), The Union/Vital Strategies (USA), National Cancer Institute (USA)","NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) Global Health Research","astra-project","astra-project.jpg"],["Fragmented transitions: Mobility, growth and democracy in a rising power","India","11","f","Indrajit Roy (University of York), Ankur Jayaswal (Independent scholar), Atul Anand (Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi), Zaheeb Ajmal (National Herald newspaper, New Delhi)","Centre for Equity Studies, Ajeevika Bureau, PRAXIS Institute for Participatory Research, Asian Development Research Institute","ESRC Future Research Leaders Award, International Growth Centre, ESRC Knowledge Exchange IAA grants (two)","lives-on-the-move","lives-on-the-move.jpg"],["War and Peace: the Health and Health System Consequences of Conflict in Colombia","Colombia","3","g","Dr Rodrigo Moreno Serra (Centre for Health Economics, University of York, UK) and Dr Oscar Bernal (Escuela de Gobierno, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)","Department of Politics (University of York), Department of Health Services Research and Policy (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)","MRC, ESRC, DFID, Wellcome Trust","health-in-colombia","health-in-columbia.jpg"],["Thanzi la Onse (Health of All)","Malawi, Uganda","8,5","f,g","Professor Jean Grugel, Dr Alan Msosa","Imperial College London UCL, Overseas Development Institute, ODI, Malawi College of Medicine, University of Malawi, Public Health Institute of Malawi, MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit on AIDS, Center for Global Development (Washington)","Health of All (GCRF)","thanzi-la-onse","thanzi-la-onse.jpg"],["Creative Activism","Uganda, India","5,11","f","Professor Paul Gready, Professor Jean Grugel","ActionAid","Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)","creative-activism","creative activism.jpg"],["Child Carers","Mexico, Bolivia","1,3","g,f","Professor Jean Grugel, Professor Shirin Rai","UNICEF-Innocenti Centre, Florence","Department of Politics, University of York","child-carers","Child-Carers.jpg"],["Working with NGO Data for More Inclusive Development","Colombia, Jamaica, Grenada, British Virgin Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Malawi","2,8","f,g,h","Professor Jean Grugel (Politics, University of York), Professor Piran White (Environment and Geography, University of York), Professor Henrice Altink (History, University of York) Alice Megaw (IGDC, University of York), Matthew Barlow (IGDC, University of York)","","ESRC Impact Acceleration Award","datasets-for-development","datasets-for-development.jpg"],["Democratisation and Ethno-Federalism in Ethiopia: shifting relationships between youths and\nparliaments at state and federal level","Ethiopia","5","f","Dr Nicole Beardsworth, Professor Assefa Fiseha","","Global Research Network on Parliaments and People (SOAS)","democratisation-ethno-federalism-ethiopia","democratisation-ethno-federalism-ethiopia.jpg"],["The Natural Resources Economy in South America: Extraction, Sustainability and Citizenship","Argentina","3","f,h","Professor Jean Grugel, Dr Alejandro Peña, Dr Maria Eugenia Giraudo, Professor Enrique Peruzzotti, Dr Hayley Stevenson, Professor Steve Pueppke","Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Argentina, Michigan State University United States","Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) University of York","natural-resources-economy-in-south-america","natural-resources-economy-in-south-america Project.jpg"],["Governing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: challenges across borders","Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Kazakhstan, China, Tanzania, Kenya, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia","3,5,10,12,13","f,h","Professor Lisa Emberson, Professor Sue E Hartley, Professor Jean Grugel, Dr Adam P Hejnowicz, Dr Maria Eugenia Giraudo, Dr Brett Sallach, Dr Jessica P R Thorn, Professor Steve Pueppke, Professor Jiaguo Qi, Professor Norm Graham","SEI (York), YESI, CECAN, Michigan State University (MSU)","University of York","governing-the-water-energy-food-nexus","governing-the-water-energy-food nexus.jpg"],["Small-Scale Gold Mining in Ghana (1957-2057)","Ghana","9","h","Professor Henrice Altink, Professor Paul Kerswill, Professor Rob Marchant, Dr Joshua Kirshner, Laura Munoz, Professor Nana Aba Appiah Amfo, Professor Chris Gordon, Dr Gladys Nyarko Ansah, Dr Jesse Ayivor, Dr Nene Kuditchar","University of Ghana","GCRF Pump Priming (University of York)","ghana-project","ghana-project.jpg"],["Integrating ecological and cultural histories to inform sustainable and equitable futures for the Colombian páramos","Colombia","3","f,h","Professor Piran White, Professor Henrice Altink, Dr Colin Beale, Dr Sabine Clarke, Dr Hanne Cottyn, Dr Helen Cowie, Professor Jane Hill, Dr Josh Kirshner, Dr Julia Touza, Dr Adrián Villaseñor, Dr Chris Wheatley","University of Cambridge, Universidad del Rosario, Universidad de los Andes, Humboldt Institute, The Nature Conservancy (Colombia), Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh","NERC and AHRC (Newton-Caldas Fund Colombia Bio programme)","colombian-paramos-project","colombian-paramos-project.jpg"],["A political-economic analysis of electricity grid access histories and futures in Mozambique (POLARIZE)","Mozambique","8","f","Dr Joshua Kirshner, Dr Matthew Cotton, Boaventura Cuamba, Carlos Shenga, Lorraine Howe, João Feijó, Yara Nova","Centre for Research on Governance and Development (CPGD), Observatorio do Meio Rural (OMR) and University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM)","UK Aid (Department for International Development - DFID), through the Energy for Economic Growth programme","polarize-project","dfid-project.jpg"],["European City Agencies Network (EUCANET) Project","Italy, France, Macedonia, Romania","4","f","Erica Albarello, Chiara Lucchini, Corrado Topi","Urban Center Metropolitano","Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union","eucanet-project","eucanet-project.jpg"],["Contested Territories: Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Conflict, Resistance and Development Alternatives in Latin America","Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, Uruguay, Venezuela","1,2,3","f","Professor Jean Grugel, Dr Joshua Kirshner, Dr Maria Eugenia Giraudo, Dr Phil Roberts","University of Sheffield, University of Leeds","White Rose Consortium","contested-territories-in-latin-america","contested-territories-project.jpg"],["Building resilience along the Colombian Caribbean coast in the face of slow-onset environmental changes and climatic shock events","Colombia","2","f,h","Professor Piran White, Dr Julia Touza, Dr Henrice Altink, Professor Jean Grugel, Dr João Nunes","University of Southampton, University of Cambridge, Grupo Laera, Colombia","Global Challenges Research Fund (NERC, ESRC and AHRC)","project-colombia-coastline","project-columbia-coastline.jpg"],["STRIPES: Social Transformative Research Informing Processes of Environmental Science","Brazil","3","h","Dr Eleanor Brown, Dr Kelly Redeker, \nDr Sally Brooks, Dr Richard Friend, Dr Joshua Kirshner, Professor Jean Grugel, Professor Paul Walton, Dr Ana Zimmermann, Dr Joao Paulo Franco Cairo, Dr Fernanda Azevedo Veneu","University of São Paulo","British Academy Knowledge Frontiers","stripes","stripes.jpg"],["Redressing Gendered Health Inequalities of Displaced Women and Girls in contexts of Protracted Crisis in Central and South America (ReGHID)","Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Costa Rica, Mexico","2,1","f,g","Professor Jean Grugel, Dr Rodrigo Moreno Serra","University of Southampton, University of York, Fiocruz (Brazil), Universidade Federal de Maranhão (Brazil), Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia), FLACSO (Honduras), Council of Ministries of Health for Central America - COMISCA, Regional office of the International Organisation for Migrations - IOM, Medicos Sin Fronteras (Mexico), United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA, FLACSO (Costa Rica)","ESRC, GCRF","reghid",""],["Gender and Health Systems in Low and Middle Income Countries After COVID-19: the Promotion of Women’s Health and Emerging International Policy Advice","Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Tunisia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, São Tomé-and-Príncipe, Comoros, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Eswatini, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Armenia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Kyrgyzstan, United Arab Emirates, Armenia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, State of Palestine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, China, North Korea, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Argentina, Bolivia, Bouvet Island, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, Anguilla, Antigua, Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Bonaire, Saba British Virgin Islands, Sint Eustatius, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Dominican Republic Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat Navassa Island, Puerto Rico, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Maarten, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Virgin Islands, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama","3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,2","g","Professor Jean Grugel, Dr Maria Eugenia Giraudo, Dr Jessica Omukuti, Matthew Barlow and Tallulah Lines","","GCRF","gender-health-after-covid","Women-covid.jpg"],["Development Transformations: York-Maastricht Partnership","Global South Countries","2,3","g,h","Professor Jean Grugel","Professor Valentina Mazzucato (University of Maastricht)","York-Maastricht Partnership","ymp","CDC.jpg"],["Problem Based Learning addressing the complexity of global challenges: York-Maastricht Partnership","Global South Countries","3,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13","f","Professor Henrice Altink","University of Maastricht","York-Maastricht Partnership","ymp-pbl",""],["The Role of Traditional Food Systems in Rapid Urbanization","South Africa","8","h","Professor Henrice Altink","Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa, Newcastle University","The British Academy Knowledge Frontiers Fund","",""],["Brokers of Conflict and Migration","Afghanistan, Iraq","4,12","f","Sara de Jong","","The British Academy","",""],["Equitable Technology: Sensors for Clean Water","Republic of Vanuatu","14","g,h,f","Steven Johnson, Jonathan Ensor, James Moir, Thomas Krauss","Oxfam, Unicef, Department of Water Resources, Government of Vanuatu","EPSRC","",""]]}); researchAreaData({ "columns": [ "Research area title", "Description paragraph", "Research area code", "sort_order" ], "rows": [["Global Health","Poor health and high levels of disease negatively affect multiple aspects of development. Despite general global increases in life expectancy, considerable health inequalities persist between and within countries. Economic status, race, gender, sexuality, disability and other markers of difference contribute to unequal health outcomes. Challenges such as reproductive health, infectious and non-communicable diseases, malnutrition, natural hazards and climate change disproportionately affect poor and marginalised groups. Our research on global health assesses the socio-economic, environmental and political determinants and consequences of health and health inequalities globally. Recognising that good health is a fundamental human right for everyone regardless of race, religion, or social and economic conditions, we seek to develop approaches to enhancing health equity that acknowledge the specific context, but also explore how knowledge and best practices can be exchanged across borders for a healthier global population.","g","1"],["Sustainable Environments","The natural environment underpins the success or otherwise of human societies and communities. The environment provides opportunities such as land for settlement and natural resources and energy to support livelihoods. Yet it is also a source of risk. Environmental change is leading to an increase in the frequency and magnitude of high temperature and rainfall events in many regions of the world, and an increase in the intensity of tropical cyclones. Alongside these changes are increasing anthropogenic pressures such as human population change and migration, and over-exploitation of the land and sea for food and fisheries. Our research identifies the opportunities and challenges of natural environments, and considers how different people share the risks, benefits, costs and control over the outcomes that emerge from interactions between humans and environment.","h","2"],["Social Justice","The challenges and practices of citizenship, political, social, cultural belonging and individual and collective rights are at the heart of development. Development is not a technical ‘fix’. An important strand of our research focuses on the ways in which individuals, communities and civil societies, at local, national and global scales, engage with development concerns and the challenges of building a fairer world. Our research ranges from the rights of people with mental health problems in the global South, to the rights of working children and young people, and community inputs into managing environmental risk. Delivering socially just and sustainable futures demands governance that is accountable, transparent, democratic and inclusive at all levels – global, regional, national, local and within cities and communities. Our research focuses on some of the challenges around governance, including resource limitations and state weaknesses, but also identifies new, innovative and experimental forms of governance, for example around natural resources. It also addresses the global governance of development and, in particular, Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, which will shape government targets, civil society activism and societal expectations for the next generation.","f","3"]]})